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DISCO & DEEJAY HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA{ worldwide number 1 - real 'n' unique }My mission is to search the world and re-discover forgotten or retired DJs and other pioneers from the disco era. In cooperation with these living legends, we present their stories and innovations. It is my primary goal to document the activities of these DJ's, Artists and other pioneers - and to preserve this historical information for future generations. all what I want to do and I do my best for is to save on this website as much as possible of disco 'n' deejay history for present and future generations - this is my life goal and passion. I genuinely hope that someone from the future generations will find these archives and will feel like winning a lottery when browsing through a vast collection of historic disco moments. |
ENCYKLOPEDIA HISTORII DISCO & DEEJAY{ unikalna strona - Nr 1 w Polsce i na �wiecie }To jest strona po�wi�cona polskiej oraz �wiatowej historii dyskotek i deejay�w. Nie ograniczam si� do znanych i oklepanych hase� typu: studio 54, paradise garage, bee gees, saturday night fever, donna summer, lary levan, david mancuso, itp. Szukam po Polsce oraz �wiecie, odkrywam i zabezpieczam dla czytelnik�w ma�o znane materia�y, prawdy, teksty, fotografie i scany. moj� �yciow� pasj� oraz najwa�niejszym celem jest odszukanie, zabezpieczenie / udost�pnienie dla dzisiejszych i przysz�ych pokole� tak du�o materia��w z zakresu historii dyskotek i deejay�w jak to tylko mo�liwe { yahudeejay } disco 'n' deejay historian |